Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Perfect Post or not....

My sweet and wonderful friends, whose blog's I adore, have been asking "when are you going to start your blog"'s like a newly painted room, what do you hang or place first? I am having designers block with this newly painted room or blog, whichever! I have been asking myself these questions for weeks: How do you make a "perfect" blog? What to title thy blog? Do I want this to be personal or professional? If you have something to journal or share this should be easy?! But my problem has not really been any of the above, it has been the anxiety about what is the "perfect first post", is there a perfect post? Isn't the point of a blog, to be candid and honest about who you are no matters whose reading? Well...not when your an Interior Designer, it is our inherit nature to be a perfectionist.

Two months ago, a great friend, Ashley, introduced me to blogs, Urban Grace to be exact. It was my first blog addiction. After long, long, hard days at the commercial design firm where I work, I found laughs and and encouragement reading Erica's blog. (I'm kinda embarrassed to say I read her whole blog in a week). Her blog lead me to so many other "perfect" Interior Design blogs soooo the pressure grew.....well here I am in my "unperfection" starting my blog.

Our Heavenly Father is teaching me a life lesson through my work, life isn't "perfect" and our earthly work doesn't matter. What does matter is that I live my life, daily, to build my beautiful newly painted Heaven.

But while we're here, its a great blessing to have a job as an interior designer! Stay posted for beautiful things to come....


  1. whooo hooo! so glad you completed your first perfect post :) It was great!

  2. I know exactly how you feel! I sat there looking at my computer, thinking, "How many times have I written blog posts in my head, but now that it comes down to it, I don't know what to say!". Turns out, yours is perfect! I can't wait to read all about your many projects!

  3. Yippeeee!! Welcome to the blog-o-sphere boo boo!! Love your blog already!

  4. Great post. Thanks for including me in your favorites on the side! I look forward to see what you post about! xx- Brooke
